How To Repair Potholes And Patches On Bituminous

As asphalt pavement’s age and traffic wears them down, distresses develop. Distress are exacerbated if maintenance is not conducted on time. Cracks turn into potholes, and potholes become craters. The expansion and contraction of water cause potholes during freeze-thaw cycles, as well as the quantity of traffic on the road. Because of the shifting temperatures, … Read more

What Are Sewer Pipes

Sewer pipes act as a mode to dispose of waste materials. Sewer pipes are made of different materials and are available in various sizes. The primary function of sewer pipes is to carry the sewage or wastewater from homes or commercial buildings to the drainage system to be treated or removed. The sewage pipes can … Read more

Types Of Roof Vents

Going through the neighborhood, you might have seen different types of vents installed on the roofs of homes. These vents provide ventilation to the house. Not only homes but also commercial buildings, institutional buildings, and industrial buildings have vents on their roofs as well. Roof vents are an important part of the roofing system. Other … Read more

How to Identify & Fix Paint Chalking

Have you ever touched a wall and your hand gets dirty with powder? It is due to a paint defect called paint chalking. There are many reasons behind it. Paint chalking is a phenomenon that forms a powdery substance on the painted surface. It deteriorates the paint and creates an unpleasant interior finish. You may … Read more

Soil Nailing Technique For Soil Stabilization

This article clarifies your queries about soil stabilization and its’ types. The main focus of this article is a specific technique for slope stabilization, i.e., soil nailing. We shall go through the introduction of soil nailing, its uses, advantages and disadvantages, design criteria, construction methodology, and performance checks. Let us dive into it. What Is … Read more

How To Clean A Green Pool

The presence of algae is a common culprit in turning pool water green. Algae blooms may occur when the free chlorine level in your pool drops too low. The chance of producing pool algae is further increased by exposure to excessive heat, heavy rain, or poor circulation if a preventative algaecide is not used. Stubborn … Read more

Tile Popping – Causes & Solutions

Tile Popping is a phenomenon of floor tiles bulging up. Many reasons can cause this defect. This article deals with the definition of tile popping, identifying its reasons, and suggesting possible preventive and corrective solutions for tile popping. There are many flooring options available for residential and commercial buildings. The flooring options have a variety of … Read more